Public Lecture: Dr. Joanna Bryson

Thrusday, 23rd of February 2017, ETH Zurich

by Victoria Laszlo

Human Autonomy and the Hazards of Principle Agency in an Era of Expanding AI or
Five Reasons Not to Other AI

Dr. Joanna Bryson
(Princeton University / University of Bath)


Venue: ETH Zurich, Clausiusstrasse 59, 8092 Zürich, RZ F 21
Date: Thursday, 23rd February 2017, 5.15pm - 6.30pm

Artificial Intelligence is often treated as an alien force or an unruly, potentially dangerous child. In fact, it is just a special case of computation being commodified. Intelligence is the triggering of appropriate actions in response to perceived events. Information technology has
been allowing us to enhance our capacity to do this arguably for thousands of years. It allows us to both remember and perceive more than we could as individuals, sometimes at the expense of others. In this talk I will first redescribe AI as an ecological feature of one species and show how it affects not only our world but ourselves as individuals. Then I will talk about British efforts to regulate AI. Finally, I will address why we should not construct AI to be a legal or moral agent, because it is ill advised and easily avoided, at least for commercial products.

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